A new commodity
Everyone has an image in mind of the perfect world. A utopian vision that projects our mindset of an ideal society where people can live, think, act and dream big.
We have an interest in what utopia could mean today. We developed new ways of looking at utopia and the desires that shape it. Our focus lies on the great hunger of human beings for constant improvement. Within this project we want to show our different views on how a utopia could be shaped and visualized.
We live in a world where trends and aesthetic perceptions change very fast. This triggers the desire to have the things that allows us to participate in these ever-changing trends. However, we don’t just follow the paths and patterns we are used to, we also make our own. A lot of people are able to tackle everyday problems in a very creative way without even noticing it. This resourcefulness causes us to be aware that we are not limited to the idea that desire has to be something tactile. It could refer to a certain mindset or experience. A moment of desire could be so fragile that you can’t get a grip on it. Even the shortest moment of wonder could be considered desirable. Turning the unreachable into another way of living, we even tend to cross borders to realize our utopia. Driven by various motivations, the wish for something better stimulates us to step out of our zone of comfort and broadens the possibilities for our utopia.
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